Delphi 12 Install Alpha Skins _ AlphaControls

Installation notes

The following compilers are supported by the AlphaControls:
Delphi XE2-XE8 (x32/x64)
C++ Builder XE2-XE8
RAD Studio 10 Seattle (x32/x64)
RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin (x32/x64)
RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo (x32/x64)
RAD Studio 10.3 Rio (x32/x64)
RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney (x32/x64)
RAD Studio 11.2 Alexandria (x32/x64)


If you have a previous version of the AlphaControls installed, you must remove 
it completely before installing this version. To remove a previous installation,
proceed as follows.
To remove the AlphaControls:
1. Close the IDE
2. Browse to the folder where your bpl and dcp files are located (default is 
"$(DELPHI)\Projects\Bpl" or "$(BDSCOMMONDIR)\Bpl" for Delphi, $(BCB)\Projects\Bpl for C++ Builder). 
3. Delete all of the files related to AlphaControls (acnt*.*)

Install of 32bit packages for Delphi:

1. Start by unpacking the acnt*.zip files into a folder of your own choice.

2. Add, (if need) AlphaControls directory in Delphi (Tools->Environment Options->Library->Library Path).

3. Use "File\Open Project..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open the AlphaControls run-time 
package acnt*_r.dpk (* - version of Delphi). In the Project Manager (the "Package..." window 
for old Delphi versions) click the "Build" popup menu item to compile run-time library.

4. Use "File\Open Project..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open the AlphaControls design-time 
package acnt*.dpk. In the Project Manager (the "Package..." window for old Delphi versions) 
click the "Install" button ("Install menu item for latest versions of IDE") to install the library.

5. DB-aware components users can install AlphaDB pack by copying AlphaDB files 
to AlphaControls directory and AlphaDB*.dpk file installing.

Install for C++ Builder:

1. Start by unpacking the acnt*.zip files into a folder of your own choice.

2. And add (if need) AlphaControls directory in C++ Builder paths and projects Include & Library paths.

3. Open acnt*_R.bpk file or acnt*_R.cbproj (for RAD studio). 
In RAD studio open Project/Options/Paths and check this page, 
"Intermediate output" option must be empty!

4. Compile it ("Make", not "Build"!) and save all.

5. Open acnt*.bpk or acnt*.cbproj (for RAD studio) file and Install, it and save all.
In RAD studio open Project/Options/Paths and check this page, 
"Intermediate output" option must be empty!

Using 64bit packages under Delphi XE2-Rio:

1. Install 32bit package in the IDE.

2. If full sources of the package are available then additional actions are not required. 
64-bit units are generated automatically when project is compiling in x64 mode.

Otherwise, additional precompiled 64-bit units should be downloaded and unpacked to separate folder. 
And add this folder in the "Tools->Environment Options->Library->Library Path" field for x64 mode.  

32bit units should be used in design-time, 64bit units should be used in run-time 
for an application building for the Win64 platform.

Visit the tutorial page for more information: 

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